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Three stair rod finial designs fitted to stairs

Purchase Stair Rods Direct for Optimum Choice

Most stair rods are custom-manufactured so as to ensure they are the perfect fit for the specific width of your steps and stair runners. Purchasing your made-to-measure stair rods direct means you will have the optimum choice of designs and convenient delivery straight to your door. We also provide a wealth of advice to our customers to ensure they avoid any costly mistakes when ordering and offer a sample service for those not quite sure which to choose.

Fixed length alternatives or made-to-measure

Fixed length options such as the Homepride are also available which typically means you need to cut down each rod before fitting them to the stairs. These can offer a value option but tend to be lower in quality than the made-to-measure carpet rods.

Three classically styled stair rods direct showing ball, fleur-de-lys and sphere designs
From top to bottom: Windsor, Sphere, Bordeaux stair rods

Looking to make a statement?

There are three prime features to a stair rod which will influence the impact and style they bring to your staircase and all are offered with stair rods direct purchased.

  • The finish or colour: this is the colour of the metal which will come a choice of options depending on the design, from a classic feel such as antique or polished brass to a more fashionable tone such as black or brushed chrome.
  • The finial design, also referred to as the decorative ends: whilst ball-shaped ends, such as the Sphere or the Windsor are timeless, should you be looking for a more striking option then the triangular Vue, Louis and Beaumont certainly impress. Meanwhile, a little quirkier would be the Scottish-themed thistle of the Arran (below) and the hand-beaten effect of the Ball and Flat Blacksmith carpet rods.
  • The style of the rod. You can add a neat twist to your runner rod by opting for either a Spiral or a Reeded design of rod rather than simply plain. These options are only available in the Vision and Country designs – select these options from the filters shown on our shopping site.
Runner stair rod with thistle ends & brackets included
Make a statement with a quirky finial design such as this Arran thistle.

Plan ahead to make cleaning easy

Once fitted, stair rods tend to stay down for the life of a stair carpet. However, it is worth noting that if you are someone who likes to professionally clean your stair runner from time to time, then consider the style of bracket when purchasing your original stair rods. Brackets that can easily be opened and the rods temporarily taken off for cleaning without removing the brackets from the staircase are worth the investment.

Get in touch

If you would like further advice regarding which stair rods to choose, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help at or T: 0330 113 4909.

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