What length stair rods do I need for my stair runner?
‘What length stair rods do I need?’ is a common question. We always double-check with all our customers that they have ordered the correct length before placing their order on the factory. Whilst most have calculated the length(s) correctly, around 15% have got it wrong. Let’s take a look at where the confusion lies:
How wide is your stair runner?
Runner rods are decorative and are designed to go from one side of your stair runner to the other. The brackets fit either side of the runner and the stair rod with a finial on either end over-hangs the brackets. For a 12mm diameter rod, suitable for most homes, the over-hang is normally around 50mm on either side.
Tip-to-tip measurement – what is it?
So, if your stair runner is 580mm wide, you typically need a 680mm long runner rod: 580mm + 50mm + 50mm This length is referred to as the TIP to TIP MEASUREMENT.
Not each step is necessarily the same
Do check if your stair runner is the same width on each step as you may find it widens as it goes around a corner. In such instances, you will need to order different length rods for different steps.
And to make sure it is aesthetically pleasing, do check that you have some space between the end of each finial and the side of your stairs. If the finial is up close to the side of the steps, it can visually look cramped.
Are your stair rods off-the-shelf or purpose-made?
Quality stair rods are made-to-measure and therefore, once ordered, it is not possible to cut them down, nor lengthen them for that matter. You have to provide the exact, correct length. Typical examples include ranges such as Vision, Country, Crystal and Premier.
However, there are some cheap carpet rods on the market that supply the bracket attached to the decorative end piece and the rod is supplied separately. You can therefore shorten the rod, by cutting it with a sharp hack-saw, if it is too long. These type of rods are normally held in stock and are what we refer to as “off-the-shelf”, such as the Homepride or Jubilee rods.
Ordering made-to-measure rods for runner
You need to be accurate when ordering these and it is the tip-to-tip measurement that you should order.
Ordering off-the-shelf stair rods
Typically, you will find that there are a few fixed length options that you can order. Just choose the one which is slightly more than you required tip-to-tip measurement. You can then cut it down to size at home.
I hope the above helps. However, if in doubt, just give us a ring in the office and we can help you work out what length of stair rod to order.